100-jarig Jubileum VVIK, symposium (volledige dag)


Celebrating Dutch Indology – 100 Years of Friends of the Kern Institute


VVIK Symposium, 29 november 2024

Universiteit Leiden, Lipsius Gebouw 0.03


Programma (in het Engels; voor Programma & Abstracts, zie P&A)


09.00-09.30     Coffee/Tea


09.30-09.45     Opening by Prof. dr. Peter Bisschop (Chair VVIK)


09.45-10.25      Dr. Ellen Raven (Leiden University)

                         Stepping Into the Breach: Hanne van Lohuizen-de Leeuw (1919-1983)


10.25-11.05      Prof. dr. Peter Bisschop (Leiden University)

                         Sanskrit Letter Writing at the Turn of the 20th Century:

                         Jean Philippe Vogel’s Correspondence with Nityanand Shastri


11.05-11.35      Coffee/Tea


11.35-12.15      Prof. dr. Paul van der Velde (Radboud University Nijmegen)

                         Utrecht: Indology, Asian Studies, Orientology…




13.45-14.25      Dr. Elena Mucciarelli (University of Groningen, via Zoom)

                         The Institute of Indian Studies in Groningen: Research, Education, Outreach


14.25-15.05      Dr. Berthe Jansen (Leiden University)

                         Tibetan Studies in The Netherlands: Looking up from below


15.05-15.35      Coffee/Tea


15.35-16.15      Dr. Sanne Dokter-Mersch (Leiden University)

                         How Leiden Became a Purāṇic City: The Story of the Skandapurāṇa


16.15-16.30      Closure by Prof. dr. Peter Bisschop


16.30-16.45      Walk from Lipsius Building to the Faculty Club (Rapenburg 73)


16.45-18.45      Drinks at the Faculty Club.